

Addiction Services

We provide services aimed to treat an individual with dependency problems. We have staff who are well trained and expert at these areas.

Vocational & Apprenticeship Programs

We have a system already in place once an an individual has been accepted and has successfully completed our vocational trade program. They can choose to decide to do apprenticeship with our programs or if hire by our program as an employee.

Employment Services

We have job opportunities for you! We work together with our clients to define the needs of their jobs and identify the fundamental skills and credentials that are required. Like job search, resume writing, job readiness and training. What’s more, our recruiters are skilled professionals with a solid reputations in the fields we hire for.

Transitional / Shared Housing

We house individuals who want and need a sober living environment. We provide sober resources as well as other services to provide a safe and secure sober environment.

Discipleship Classes

Everyone has a calling. If yours is discipleship then give us a call and we will guide you in the right direction

Superior Case Management

Our superior and proven case management skills and experience come from mastering our proprietary case management software and policies to ensure everyone get the treatment and resources they need to succeed

Vocational Rehabilitation

We Believe that vocational rehabilitation the key to self worth and a huge contributor to sobriety success….

Life Skills Training

Our staff has been through more life skills training than most with personal, educational and experience. Our staff educates clients on lifeskills  to maximize their recovery

R3 Projects

The R3 Project is a project to administer Re-Education, Rehabilitation and Re-Entry back into society in a productive safe manner

Court Services Unit

Coming Soon, Our court Services Unit will Assist Courts to give better alternatives to Incarceration for individuals with addiction in collaboration with Restorative Justice.

Peer to Peer Couseling

We have some of the better trained more experienced peer to peer counselors in the State of Alaska.

Our Peer Specialist thrive to get to root of the disfucntion and create alternative solutions to avoid those character flaws.

Clothing Closet

House Of Transformations provides clothing closet

Food Ministry (Feeding the homeless)

House of Transformations provides food ministry (Feeding the homeless) as part of our humanitarian mission.